(Partial) Review of Eleventh Cycle by Kian N. Ardalan

**NOTE: As of the writing of this review I have only made it through the first 25% of the book.  The comments that follow are for the portion that I have read.  My plan is to post a final review once I have completed the book.

Is it just me or does life have a way of throwing curve balls at us?

I was excited to be chosen as one of the stops on this Blog Tour.  I had heard a little chatter about this book, and I jumped into it as soon as I could.  What I have been able to read has been quite good, but, sadly, life has demanded so much of my time recently and I have only made it 1/4 of the way.

Based on what I have read, this book checks off many of the boxes I look for in my fantasy books.  It is very character driven, it establishes it’s world without being “info-dumpy”, it builds tension gradually, and it feels somewhat fresh and new.

For starters, I need characters that are real.  I don’t necessarily need to like or hate them, and I don’t even need to relate to them.  What I do need is characters that are more than just a mouth or a sword to serve as more than dialogue or action.  I need to see them wrestle with difficult choices.  I need to see them face consequences.  I need them to have substance.

In the portion I have read, the most time has been spent developing two characters:  Dalila and Nora.  Of the two I find Dalila most compelling.  Dalila starts from a place of weakness.  She is a young girl who is exploring who she is and what she wants, only to be faced with a situation that turns her world upside-down.  She is stripped of everything she has known and must face a future she never expected or wanted.  I can imagine how traumatic it would be for her.  I am very eager to see what happens with her.

Nora, on the other hand, starts from a strength, but that overshadows some weaknesses and insecurities.  She also faces a very difficult family dynamic.  She truly has few allies, not to mention friends, but still has a sense of loyalty and justice.

As far as I have gotten, there is already a build-up of tension and intrigue.  I am definitely invested by this point and hope my schedule opens up so I can pick up the pace.

As I am one of the last stops on the tour, I encourage you to not just take my word on it, but see what some of the others have had to say.  You can find out more about the tour here:  https://escapistbookcompany.com/2023/02/16/the-heros-journey-eleventh-cycle-by-kian-n-ardalan/.

Thanks to the author and Escapist Tours for the chance to read this exciting new book!

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